【高教深耕】{活動報名已截止}113年度科學創客自造工作坊 XII:銘榮元實業股份有限公司職場青年體驗參訪-從石化業到離岸風電水下基礎建設(11/25)
【報名網址 Registration Website】
- 活動報名已截止
【錄取公告 Admission Announcement】
- 錄取名單將會公告於理學院官網。
The list of participants will be announced in the website below.
【報名截止 Application Deadline】
- 報名截止日:113年11月14日(星期四)中午12時。
- Application deadline: 12:00PM, Thursday, 2024.11.14 (closed).
- 若報名人數過多,將依情形停止報名及公告。
The application will be closed when the application is full.
【活動事項 Workshop Task】
- 本工作坊配合屏東縣政府勞動暨青年發展處屏東青年就創業輔導中心企業參訪計畫辦理,將由該中心協助投保旅遊平安保險,個人資料使用請詳閱個人資料蒐集告知聲明。
This workshop is held in conjunction with the Pingtung County Government Labor and Youth Development Department's Pingtung Youth Entrepreneurship Counseling Center's Enterprise Visiting Program, and the Center will assist in taking out travel insurance; please read the Personal Information Collection Statement for more details on the use of personal information.
To ensure the safety of the participants, please follow the safety regulations of the factory and wear long pants (covering up to the ankles) and sports shoes. Do not wear shorts, skirts, inner high-heeled shoes, high-heeled shoes, boots, bag shoes, sandals, slippers, etc., and tie up your hair with a hair accessory.
The factory and the College of Science reserve the right to prohibit participants from attending the workshop if their dress code is not met.
In addition, since photography and video recording are controlled in the factory, please follow the instructions of the factory and refrain from taking photos and video recordings, or you will be penalized according to the relevant regulations. - 參與者於當日須配合講師課程指示並完成線上問卷調查填寫事宜。
All participants must follow the instructions are given by the instructor and complete the online questionnaire on the same day.
The e-certificate will be issued after the questionnaire was checked by the instructor and staff.
【注意事項 Note】
- 為珍惜活動資源,經自行評估可全程參與方可報名。
The workshop is only open to the participants who make full commitment to the program. - 於系統完成報名並非正式錄取,請以理學院網站公告之錄取名單為準。
Completing the registration in the system does not mean that you are admitted, please check the admission list announced on the website of the College of Science. - 倘若報名人數過多,將依情形停止報名及公告錄取名單。
Substitute name list will be announced.
Please do not show up unless you have received confirmation calls. - 因故臨時無法參與活動,敬請於七日前來信或來電取消報名。
Please inform the College of Science by phone call before 7 days, if you could not attend the workshop for any reasons. - 倘若參與者活動當日已排定必選修課程,
For those who has classes on the same day of the workshop , please make sure that you have informed your professors and has gained their permission for you to be excused from class to attend this workshop.
【溫馨提醒 Friendly Reminder】
- 本系列活動得採計築夢展翼翻轉計畫時數。
These series of activities can be counted towards " 築夢展翼翻轉計畫 " hours.
【洽詢電話 Contact】
- 國立屏東大學理學院 College of Science, National Pingtung University
08-7663800 ext. 33004 沈小姐 Ms. Shen