
【理學院活動資訊】{活動報名}學生英語學習活動 English Chat! Chat! Chat! Season 5 (112-2)


 報名網址 Registration URL  



 報名日期 Registration Date  


The students can apply at anytime.


 學習教室 Location  


Classroom 102 at 1F, Jing-Ye building at Pingshih campus.


 注意事項 Precautions 

  1. 一個場次僅能安排5位臺灣同學,以達學習最佳效果;報名的先後次序並不代表錄取的結果,如有人數較多以及其他不可抗拒之因素,理學院得逕自調整至其他場次。
    There will be only 5 Taiwanese students in one section for the best learning. The registration does not represent the result  of admission. 
    If there are too many students. College of Science has to arrange the students in each section.
  2. 一個主題限參與一場次,得連續參與主題,以提供更多同學學習的機會。
    One student can select multi-sections in 10 weeks, but cannot select the same section in the same week. This is for opportunities of other students.
  3. 理學院將於學期末提供中英文研習證書(內容包含參與主題、場次及時數)。
    College of science will provide the certificate for the students who attend this activity.
  4. 若報名後臨時無法前來參與,敬請即早告知,俾便安排下一位同學補位。
    If the students cannot be able to attend the activity, please inform us in advance.
  5. 請帶著輕鬆的心情前來Chatting!
    Let's relax and chat with us! 


 洽詢方式 Contact 


08-766-3800 ext. 33004 沈小姐

Hosted: College of Science, NPTU

Telephone: 08-766-3800 ext. 33004 Ms. Shen 


